When an agreement for purchasing a listed company by agreement is reached, the purchaser shall file in written form, within three days, a report on the purchase agreement with the securities regulatory body under the State Council and with the stock exchanges. 以协议方式收购上市公司时,达成协议后,收购人必须在三日内将该收购协议向国务院证券监督管理机构及证券交易所作出书面报告,并予公告。
Ordinarily, entitlement is set up when a purchase agreement for an IBM software product is made with your company. 通常,资格是在您公司达成购买IBM软件产品的协议时确定的。
When you receive a new purchase order, a check, a verbal agreement, or even a written agreement, dont get too happy and excited. 当你收到一张新的订单、一张支票、一个口头协议、或者一份书面协议时,不要兴奋过度。
She signed her own hire purchase agreement now that she's come of age. 因为她已到法定年龄,她自己在分期付款购买契约上签了字。
A: Sam, this is the Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement. 森,这是临时买卖合约。
You will need your license purchase information ( e.g. retail license codes or volume license agreement number ( s) information) in order to complete this wizard. 您将需要您的许可证购买信息(即零售许可证代码或批量许可证协议号码信息)才能完成该向导。
I think I'll enter the hire purchase agreement. 我想参加那个分期付款计划。
Shell in 2007 signed a "sales and purchase" agreement with PetroChina for Gorgon LNG, while chevron has agreements with three Japanese utilities. 2007年,壳牌与中石油就高更项目液化天然气签署了“销售和采购”协议,同时雪佛龙与3家日本公用事业企业签署了协议。
The prize, called an advanced market commitment '' or advanced purchase commitment '', takes the form of an agreement to subsidise heavily the first big orders of a successful vaccine. 这个奖项名为发达市场承诺或发达购买承诺,将以协议的形式给成功疫苗的第一笔大额订单提供巨额补贴。
Different voice: "Beijing Wanbao," the purchase of204 additional agreement? Signed! 不同的声音:《北京晚报》购房补充协议204条?签了!
Right to Purchase: Through this Agreement, Distributors are authorized to purchase for sale all OV products and services available in the HKSAR market. 购货权利:直销商订立独立直销商加盟协议书后,便有权在香港特别行政区的市场上以批发价购买机汇产品及以零售价销售机汇产品。
Draft "Stock Purchase Framework Agreement" and guaranteeing articles as statement and promise, letting them signed by buyer and target company. 起草“股权收购框架协议书”,并设计陈述与保证等保障条款,由收购方与目标公司签署;
You are under no obligation to buy the house if you have not signed a purchase agreement. 如果你没有签订购买合同,就不一定非买这房子不可。
In case that any conflict arises between the clauses of this Agreement and those in the purchase order, this Agreement shall prevail. 本协议的条款与购货订单的条款发生冲突时,以本协议为准。
BP on Sunday confirmed it had received a letter from bridas "exercising their right to terminate the share purchase agreement". bp周日证实,已收到bridas的函件,宣布“行使其终止股份购买协议的权利”。
This Note is issued pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, and capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement. 本期票按《购买协议》规定发行,本文未规定大写术语的含义同《购买协议》。
4.3 Signatories agree that the purchase of products covered by this Agreement should be made only on a competitive price, quality and delivery basis. 3各签署方同意,只能根据竞争价格、质量和交货条件购买本协定所涵盖产品。
The success and long-term purchase contracts signed in the mine and five-party agreement, but also eased the pressure on the Brazilian route COA ship. 此次成功与该矿山签订长期采购合同和五方协议,也缓解了巴西航线COA船的压力。
The foregoing terms and conditions apply unless the customer has signed a separate formal purchase agreement with us in writing, in which case the separate written agreement shall govern. 除非顾客在作品,在情况,分开的写的协议将管理与美国一起签署了一个分开的正式购买协议,前述的条款适用。
State Transportation Department Director Brennon Morioka acknowledged that the state's purchase power agreement prices were fixed at a time when prices were high. 州交通运输局局长布伦南·盛冈承认每次州的购买电力协议的价格高的时候,价格都是固定的。
Upon execution of this letter Buyer shall prepare the Purchase and Sale Agreement. 意向书付诸实施后,买方应即刻起草购买和销售协议。
As long as all of the Offeror's offered Shares are accepted for purchase timely, he is obligated to sell and the accepting Offeree is obligated to purchase subject to the provisions of the Agreement. 由于要约人的股份很快被接受,他有责任销售,而收盘人有责任按照合约上写的规则进行购买。
Loan under hire purchase agreement 分期付款购货合同放款
These requirements are defined in the purchase agreement with appendices, referring to DACORE Quality manuals. 这些要求是定义在采购协议的附录,指DACORE质量手册。
The Principle of Indiscrimination of Government Purchase Agreement and Its Exceptional Applications 《政府采购协议》的非歧视原则及其适用例外
Government Purchase Agreement differs from the other all-related agreements of WTO in that it arranges additional negotiation chance for the parties and provides special indiscrimination principles. 《政府采购协议》(GPA)与WTO中其他的一揽子协定不同,对参加方安排了另行谈判的机会并规定了特殊的非歧视原则。
Roman Treaty, EU-purchase Orders and Government Purchase Agreement have given legal control towards discriminative purchase policy, but they are imperfect and need discussing. 罗马条约、欧盟采购指令和《政府采购协议》对公共采购中的歧视性采购政策进行了法律的控制,然而上述条约和法律也有不尽完善的地方,需要作进一步探讨。
In the negotiation of our country entering the WTO, the countries concerned have paid close attention to the field whether our country would sign "Government Purchase Agreement". 我国入世谈判过程中,有关国家一直将我国是否签署《政府采购协议》作为一个重要关注领域。
The sale of the type of the Han Dynasty have been relatively complete contract, the sale of land and housing both the real estate sale and purchase agreement as well as movable property sale and purchase agreement. 汉代买卖契约种类已经比较齐全,既有买卖土地房屋的不动产买卖契约,也有动产买卖契约。